17th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis
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Moje największe skarby i opowieści prosto z mojego
On behalf of the Organizing Committee I would like to invite you to participate in the 17th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC-17), which will be held in Poznań, Poland, from July 4th to 9th, 2010.
The second half of the 20th century was very fruitful in discovery and application of numerous catalytic processes in chemical industry and this field remained one of the most important areas of research in the academia and industry. Recent Nobel prizes (2001, 2005, 2007) are the best illustration of the outstanding application of the spectacular field of catalysis in organic and polymer chemistry.
The conference programme will cover all areas of homogeneous and organometallic catalysis and focus on recent research achievements and ideas on new catalytic reactions as well as well-known processes occurring in the presence of new effective homogeneous and immobilized catalysts including new mechanisms of catalysis. Particular emphasis will be put on sustainable catalytic processes of key importance in organic and asymmetric synthesis (fine and specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals) as well as in synthesis of polymers and precursors of advanced materials.
The conference programme will consist of 5 Keynote Lectures, 19 Invited Lectures and 24 Short Lectures which will be held in a single session. Two Poster Sessions will complete the scientific programme.
All those intending to participate in the Symposium are invited to submit a contribution either as a short lecture (20 min, including discussion) or a poster communication presenting original unpublished work.
Comfortable, low-cost accommodation and attractive social programme will be offered for Symposium participants. Special offer is addressed to students, for whom dormitory standard accommodation will be offered at very reasonable price.
Looking forward to seeing you in Poznań
Bogdan Marciniec
ISHC-17 Chairman
więcej: http://www.ishc17.amu.edu.pl