Rune Mod 2.2.2
Katalog znalezionych hasełArchiwum
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- Warsztaty opiekunĂłw prĂłb instruktorskich
Moje największe skarby i opowieści prosto z mojego
Podczas rozpoczęcia każdej Rundy z Nieba spada Runy ( Dobre i zle moce)
Dobre Runy daj± np. Speeda,Gravitacje,No Recoil itp.
Złe Rundy daj± np.Stalowe boty(nie mozemy chodzic),High Recoil,Nie mozemy podniesc Broni
Oraz leży Też 8000$ i JetPack
Foldery :
Scripting,Plugins,Data i Configs wrzucamy do cstrike->addons->amxmodx
"say /help" - Pomoc
"say /runelist" - Lista Run
"say /playerrunes"- Widok który gracz ma jak± Rune
"say /dropitem"- Wyrzucenie runy Któr± mamy
Cytat:sv_(Runename) (1) Toggles whether or not a rune is generated, so for example sv_Strength is strength's cvar. (Note: sv_Soul defaults to off because it isn't often used in lan games, yet is good on a 16 player server)
sv_crazybounce (0) Runes bounce when spawned/dropped
sv_autodrop (0) When you touch a rune you drop your current one automatically
sv_runemod (1) The next round, the mod is disabled.
sv_morerandom (1) 1 means spawns are generated randomly, 0 means spawns are generated by config files. IF none exist, and morerandom is 0, runes are dropped on spawns. Must have config files installed for them to work. Must change maps for a change to take effect
sv_totalrunes (0) 0 means no limit, this sets how many runes a server will have at a time, if you set it to one only one rune will exist at any one time.
sv_maxrunes (4) This changes how many runes will attempted to be spawned each round. Will not spawn 4 if there are not 4 avalible runes to spawn (ie: if all 14 runes are active, and there is no total rune limit, if 11 players have runes already, will spawn 3)
sv_resetrunes (0) IF this is turned on, runes reset each round. This isn't very encouraging to players for collecting runes, so I don't recommend it unless maxrunes is high
sv_runemessage (1) Rune message changes whether or not players see "RUNE SPAWNED: RUNENAME" or not
sv_tellabouthelp (1) Toggles whether or not game says "say "help" for help" every round
sv_seer_range (12000) range for the seer rune's psychic line
Nie przetłumaczone jak kto¶ może to niech to zrobi
PS.Grałem wiele razy na Rune Mod , ale tego jeszcze nie testowalem