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- I MISTRZOSTWA Polski Szkó³ Wy¿szych Sopot 2004
- 2004.05.16, Szko³a Chemii
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Moje największe skarby i opowieści prosto z mojego
2 very important News about the European Challenge TT Le Mans 2004:
1 BAD (maybe not..) and 1 GOOD (si not..)...
Believe me, It has been very hard, all along these last months, to keep this project alive..!
The idea (reminder)--> To put a maximum of TT on the Stand Track line of Le Mans Circuit, mythic place for Audi, to make with this superb Photo, a unic moment for each of us...and say afterwards : "I was there".
As a great souvenir which we shoulsd have for a long time, after this adventure.
My first project was to do this picture, during the "Le mans Classic", which was the ideal background for this challenge (limited costs, during an exceptional event, get public in the tribunes, an h?liport just beside common with the one I used during my last Audi meeting in Touraine in September, etc..), BUT :
-<<<< THE BAD NEW (conditionally) >>>>- :
It would be impossible (I still use conditional) to do it during the next edition in July 2004.... This affirmation comes from contacts near the organisation of the LE Mans Classic....(since 2 weeks , now, and only...)
They are completly full of registrations with Ferraris,Astons, Porsches, and many more prestigious cars...Their success is absolute...Huge Sponsors will be there, this time... Majors medias are waited, and so on....
The decision to exclude the TT's, from present cars on the grass inside the Bugatti circuit, seems to have been taken when porsche reserved firmly for 800 cars (they were only 400 in 2002)
SO, The promises friendly given by the "Le Mans Classic" organisation, few months ago, are not possible anymore....
I can understand them.... they took a big risk, last year for the first edition...It has been a surprise for a lot of spectators, and theirs efforts are paid this year....(We'll have to go there , anyway, in spectators....the show will be great...)
MEANWHILE, the game is not over. The President of our Club ( -Club des Amateurs Audi), is actually, insisting
with the German from Audi Ag Germany, directly, to try to make the organisators , change their mind. Conditionning our participation as present Audi Club like we were in 2002. Audi can't be missing from Le Mans Classic, the year where it comes back to 24 heures du Mans, which happens just one month before Le Mans Classic 2004.
And relationship between our club and Audi Tradition are excellent ; in 2002, they lent us for free, the R8 which won LE Mans in 2001, and had very good feedback from our Le Mans Classic 2002. They promised a bigger budget for 2004 Edition.
In our last contacts, they asked us, which cars(4) , we wanted for this year, preparing as well, their budgets soon (middle of January, normally) . I can't tell you which cars we said we needed for 2004, but they are the best as Audi can show on a such important event...It will stay as a surprise...
They need , as much as we hope, to come with big logically, we stil have the hope, that the organisation of the Le Mans Classic, can't refuse, if the Germans ask a little favor for a "challenge TT in Le Mans" prepared since 18 months.
To be continued..... answers in the midle-end of January...
-<<<< THE GOOD NEW (anyway..) >>>>- :
Our club organise a Track day in Le Mans along the Buggatti Circuit on MARCH, the 28th, and so, we "own " the circuit during all the day, with the possibility to do this picture...!
This mythic circuit is very expensive to rent, we accept allready other clubs ( will be present, such clubs as Lamborghini, Porsches and others maybe too...)
So, why not Europeans TT clubs...? and it could be possible to organise this big TT Meeting at the occasion, to make this picture, and maybe drive on the circuit for those who want.
I 'll have , as soon as possible, from the direction of the club, special rates for invited clubs. I'll try to have 2 rates: 1 for (pilots) those who want to drive on this legendary circuit, and 1 for (visitors) those who just come to see and participate to the challenge TT.
For the organisation of invited clubs, the best would be, that Club 's forum name a responsable for its own, who centralise the candidates, and the money, to simplify.
And why not organise, a complete weekend to move people for 2 days arund Le Mans (it 's plenty of things to see or visit around there)
THERE ARE, the lasts news....!
I'll give more informations as soon as I get them now...It gets closer now....
The SUCCESS will depend on every Club engagement, to be as much as mobilize a maximum of TT, from his own country (or club...)... Show your motivation for such an event...It's your CHALLENGE TT in LE MANS...
See you soon on the track...READY FOR A RECORD...?...So, how many TT's on the track...?
Let me wish you all, Merry Chritmas, and a happy New Year for 2004, with best wishes for each of you (you , allready know one of mine...)
NB: This message has been sent to all the clubs , I had contact in Europe, by if you know others, it will make more TT on the picture...
----** list of all the clubs contacted ----------
UK TTOC : T7 (Louise) ?
UK TT-quattro : WAK ?
Italia Audi TT Club Forum : Darkstar (Francesco) ?
Swiss Club Audi Sport Suisse : Pedro
Germany TT @tWest : Jurgen und Ute ?
Germany TTOC Munchen : Christian Geilling
Germany TTOC : Viet Mueller
Germany : Chhstian Veilk
Germany TTRoadster Club : Franck Nuzer ?
Germany Wimmer Tuning :
France Club AudiPassion CLAN TT : Philippe - TTFab ?
France Club Franck ClAN TT : Steffan ?
Belgique TTOC : Herv? ?
Spania : Audi Sport Iberica : climber ?
Polski : Cezary Magier , Maciek